
Date R Local vs Visitante -
08/20 15:00 3 [3] Polonia vs Italia [2] 1-3
08/20 12:00 3 [4] Francia vs Eslovenia [1] 3-1
08/19 15:00 2 [4] Polonia vs Francia [3] 3-1
08/19 12:00 2 [1] Eslovenia vs Italia [2] 3-2
08/18 18:00 1 [3] Italia vs Francia [3] 3-0
08/18 15:30 1 Polonia vs Eslovenia 0-3
08/20 16:30 - Polonia vs Serbia 3-0
08/20 14:00 1 Argentina vs Irán 2-3
08/19 18:00 - Polonia vs Argentina 3-0
08/19 15:30 - Irán vs Serbia 2-3
08/18 18:00 - Polonia vs Irán 3-0
08/18 15:30 - Argentina vs Serbia 3-1

The Memorial of Hubert Jerzy Wagner is a volleyball friendly competition for the national teams, currently held every year and organized by the Hubert Wagner Foundation.

The first Memorial was held in 2003. The competition has been held every year since, except 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic.



The tournament is played in the middle of the year, always about two weeks before the most important event of the year. Competitions have been created in memory of the best volleyball coach in Poland, Hubert Jerzy Wagner, who won the 1974 FIVB Men's Volleyball World Championship, the Olympic gold in 1976 and silver medals in the Men's European Volleyball Championship in 1975 and 1983 for the Polish team.

In the first few years teams played in Olsztyn. It is now played in various Polish cities to promote volleyball. In 2008, the memorial was also the qualifying tournament for the 2009 Men's European Volleyball Championship. The first memorial was won by the Dutch national team, which was ahead of Poland and Spain. In the second edition Russia triumphed, and the next again The Netherlands. The winner of the fourth edition was Poland, the fifth - Germany. The next two editions were again won by the hosts.

In 2010, the winners were Brazil, and in 2011 Italy. In 2012, the edition of the memorial was won by Poland ahead of Germany, Argentina and Iran. Poland retained the title in 2013.

El torneo de voleibol "Hubert Wagner Memorial" es un evento anual que rinde homenaje al destacado jugador de voleibol polaco, Hubert Wagner. Este torneo reúne a los mejores equipos de voleibol masculino de todo el mundo para competir en una emocionante batalla por el título.

Durante el torneo, los equipos participantes se enfrentan en una serie de partidos intensos y emocionantes. Los jugadores muestran su habilidad, destreza y trabajo en equipo mientras luchan por cada punto. Los espectadores son testigos de jugadas espectaculares, remates poderosos y defensas impresionantes.

El "Hubert Wagner Memorial" es conocido por su ambiente vibrante y lleno de energía. Los fanáticos del voleibol se reúnen para animar a sus equipos favoritos, creando una atmósfera de emoción y pasión en el estadio. La competencia es feroz y los equipos luchan hasta el último momento para ganar el codiciado trofeo.

Además de la competencia en la cancha, el torneo también ofrece actividades y eventos adicionales para los asistentes. Los fanáticos pueden disfrutar de música en vivo, exhibiciones de voleibol y oportunidades para conocer a los jugadores y obtener autógrafos.

El "Hubert Wagner Memorial" es un evento imperdible para los amantes del voleibol. Es una oportunidad única para presenciar el talento de los mejores jugadores del mundo y disfrutar de una experiencia deportiva inolvidable.